Monday, 20 December 2010

Analysis Of Magazine Advert

This magazine advert is advertising Rihanna's song called "Hard" which is off her album R rated which is why there is a big R above Rihanna's name. The photo consists of light colours, the video for her song "Hard" has Rihanna in army type outifts, the photo of Rihanna has her wearing an army type hat with a huge jacket on with white gloves and sun glasses. The sun glasses reflect the sand off the floor. Rihanna is wearing dark red lipstic which could indicate sophistication and she is pouting but not towards the camera.
The R is the main focus on this magazine advert which is advertising what her album is called. The R is very sharp because the songs and videos for her album are very R rated which is what her album is called. The R is in a light brown with white around the edges which makes it stand out more. The colours contrast with Rihanna's outfit. Rihanna's name is in white and is bold as people need to know who the advert is about if they do not know who the photograph is.
The sunglasses Rihanna is wearing are gold and very shiny this is a convention of an R&B artist because it represents "bling", also Rihanna is wearing very sparkly ear rings which also represent a convention of an R&B artist. Rihanna is wearing very dark red lipstick, this is showing her feminism as the rest of her image on this album cover could be said as not very feminem.

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